
Instructions for patients who have undergone ear surgery

Depending on the type of ear surgery you have undergone, Professor Saeed will give specific instructions about what you can and cannot do in the days and weeks after your operation. Professor Saeed will advise you individually about what you can and cannot do after your ear operation as this will in part depend on the type of operation you have undergone. There are some general instructions that apply to all his patients:

How long should I keep my head bandage on?2019-09-08T23:19:54+01:00

The head bandage should be kept on overnight for most operations.

What aftercare should I do after surgery?2019-09-08T23:19:31+01:00

The incision above or behind the ear should be kept dry until the stitches are removed, usually 7 to 10 days after the operation. The removal of the stitches should be booked with your GP practice unless you are an overseas patient in which case Prof. Saeed will remove them when he removes any dressings from the ear. Instruction will be given whether the stitches are to be removed by your GP or by Prof. Saeed.

Clean cotton wool should be placed in the ear canal opening and can be changed as frequently as needed as it is normal to have a small amount of leakage of bloodstained fluid from the ear for a week or two after the operation. If there is a dressing in the ear, Prof. Saeed will remove this in his clinic between 1 and 3 weeks after the operation depending on the nature of the surgery.

Do I need to use antibiotic drops?2019-09-08T23:18:58+01:00

It depends. If you have a sponge dressing in your ear, antibiotic drops should be put in the ear twice daily until the dressing is removed by Prof.Saeed (usually 7 to 14 days, depending on the type of operation). If you have an antiseptic dressing then drops are not needed and the dressing will be removed by Prof. Saeed (usually 14 to 21 days).

Can I shower?2019-09-08T23:18:36+01:00

Water entry into the ear should be avoided until the dressings are removed and the go ahead given by Prof. Saeed. This is best achieved by using a piece of cotton wool mixed with Vaseline when you bathe or shower. Water should be kept out of the operated ear for 2 to 8 weeks depending on the particular surgery that has been done.

Can I work out?2019-09-08T23:18:18+01:00

Heavy lifting, straining, contact sports and vigorous exercise should be avoided until instructed by Prof. Saeed. Depending on the type of operation you have undergone this may be between 4 and 8 weeks. Patients should avoid straining or heavy lifting for at least 4 weeks. This includes forced nose-blowing. Sneezing or coughing should be outwards rather than being held in.

Gentle exercise can begin usually 10 days after surgery but heavy lifting and contact sports should be avoided for 6 to 8 weeks. Patients should keep mobile after surgery and once at home.

Will my ear surgery affect my balance?2019-09-08T23:17:54+01:00

Some ear operations have an expected (or unexpected) impact on balance. Prof. Saeed will instruct you on how to manage this but usually remaining mobile and physically active helps towards a faster recovery.

Will I be able to hear straight away?2019-09-08T23:17:34+01:00

Your hearing will remain muffled with a blocked feeling in the ear until the dressings are removed and the ear has healed. This may take between 4 and 8 weeks depending on the type of surgery you have undergone.

I can hear high pitched noise. Is this normal?2019-09-08T23:17:15+01:00

It is common to have some tinnitus (noises) in the ear which usually settle after a few weeks once the ear is well on its way to healing.

Will I need to take time off work?2019-09-08T23:16:52+01:00

Professor Saeed will advise you how much time you need to take off work – this will depend on the nature of your work and the extent and complexity of your surgery.

Will I experience pain?2019-09-08T23:16:18+01:00

Most ear surgery is not very painful as there are no moving parts unlike limb, chest or abdominal surgery – once you are discharged, regular Paracetamol and drugs such as Ibuprofen for the first week should suffice.

I have blood/discharge. Is this normal?2019-09-08T23:15:52+01:00

It is normal to have a slight blood-stained leakage from the ear for a week or two after the operation. If you develop increasing discharge, bleeding or pain in the ear or wound once discharged from hospital then Prof Saeed should be notified via his secretary at 150 Harley Street (0207 935 3171) during office hours or via the hospital ward where you had your surgery (24 hours).

Can I travel post-op?2019-09-08T23:15:31+01:00

Depending on the nature of the operation, flying should be avoided for 4 to 6 weeks. Trains and underground travel can be undertaken around 1 week after surgery. Travel by car is permissible for daytime surgery and the day of discharge for those patients staying in overnight.

Make an appointment

For patients seeking advice or a consultation, feel free to contact Prof. Saeed’s office

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